Wellness Programs/Packages


In addition to specific or personalised gains, the benefits of the VWR+R Programs / Packages, practices and use of the various wellbeing products include active pride and health / physical attributes that come from participation in positively life-changing, scientific, educational, wise and naturally simple group / organisation.

To enhance creativity and maximise use of simple wellness tips, (on happiness, lifestyle, meals, drinks, exercises, safety etc) included in the programs are music, dance, exercise-dance and multi-cultural events / activities. Music takes us into depths of our being.

This is why regular group workouts (especially outdoor and dynamic) that emphasise fun, mix-music and happy moments are emphasised. A new field – New Age Music deals with music and dance for healing, relaxation, de-stress and wellbeing boost.

Music – exercise – dance sharpens the mind, performance artistry, and promotes cultural values as well as universal love.

S/NCodePrograms / Packages
1.FBMsFight Back Measures (Personalised)
2.ILIWCImproved Lifestyle on the Continuum
3.FYFountain of Youth
4.HMBHappy Moments Boost
5.PSDPersonalised Self Development
6.HPD / TTTHuman Potentials Development (Train To Train)
7.LLLLife, Lifestyle Literacy
8.BRBody Re-posturing
9.TSTracking Self
10.HEPHealth Elevating Practices / Products
12.NFZCNF Zumba Club Membership
13.WGFTGymstick Total Body Fitness Membership
14.PVTPool Volleyball Team
15.FTIFreelance Trainee Instructors Class
16.FTDFood Tasting and Design
17.DAThe Dance Arcade
18.MC&CMotivational Contest and Competition
19.D&D@VWRDance and Dine at VWR
20.YogaYoga class
21.OWEOptimal Wellness Environments (and Support Networks)
22.CDPCareer Development Program
23.HSCHands – on – Short Course program
24.SBOFASTD Bearers on Fitness Arena
25.WTPWellness Total Package
26.PEPPersonalised Exercise Package (program, plan)
27.MONCMeals On Nutritional Consideration
28.PNPPersonalised Nutrition Package (program, plan)
29.4R / HDHRestoration, Recovery, Rehab and Rejuvenation program
30.HPD / Ex / 3THPD/Exchange Training program
31.EFBExercise/ Fitness Break/ weekend/ Holiday
32.WTBWellness Lifestyle Break/Weekend/Holiday
33.FE&AFitness Excursions and Adventure